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Why choose MY FIT?

Workout Plan

Workout Plans for Any Location

Choose your ideal setting – gym or home.

Safe, effective gym workouts or home bodyweight routines.

Flexibility in how and where you train.

Expert-designed training schedules.

Nutrition guidance

Achieving and maintaining fitness goals requires the perfect blend of nutrition and physical activity. Your MY FIT membership provides:

Customised plans that account for your schedule and preferences.

Insights on protein, carbs, fats, and water intake.

Tailored recipes.

A portion control guide.

Expert supplement recommendations.

All-In-One APP

Participate in weekly sessions with your assigned trainer.

Record your daily food intake and track your macros.

Share your weekly photos to monitor your progress.

Utilise our in-app tool to merge your before and after check-in photos.

Track measurable advancements in your diet, sleep, steps, and body weight, and receive guidance as required.



My name is Art, and I'm a certified Personal Trainer and Body Transformation Specialist.

With over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, I provide exceptional online coaching backed by science to deliver impressive results. Cut through the clutter, achieve faster results, and maintain a lean, fit, and strong lifestyle.

Receive personalised support that suits your schedule and lifestyle. Explore MY FIT membership for a complete body transformation, which includes a custom workout plan, nutritional coaching, and ongoing motivation.

With MY FIT membership, you’ll undergo a total body makeover – shedding fat, gaining muscle, and boosting your confidence, energy, and overall health. Plus, you’ll develop the skills and habits to sustain your new physique for life.

World’s Specialist Trainers

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

Prior to starting work with Art, I considered to be slightly unfit and overweight. I have always been quite sporty but found that I was no longer able to just turn up and play sports confidently. I was also concerned that I was approaching an age where this may cause health problems.

The results I have achieved with Art are far greater and faster than I expected at the outset. I feel much fitter, healthier and more confident overall. I really believe that Art can help anyone achieve their fitness goals and that they will enjoy doing it!!

Alex T.

Even though I spent 7 days a week in the gym, my diet was terrible, and I was slowly gaining weight. I knew that something needed to be done, I felt frumpy and miserable and having to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe in bigger size was depressing.

 I had tried different diets periodically, but I was struggling to find the motivation to stick to them for more than a week or two when I didn’t see fast results.

 Feeling more confident than ever. I feel absolutely amazing. I would highly recommend Art to anybody; I still can’t believe the fantastic results I had in the short time I was with him!

Christie C.

I had poor eating habits and abused myself by consuming sugar on a massive scale. I also had a negative relationship with exercise in that it was sporadic and abusive. Over the course of a couple of decades, I’d had most of the common sporting injuries.

Art was recommended to me by a friend, and I can see why. He is dedicated, knowledgeable and understanding. Above all, and in a nutshell, he really cares.

Dom E.

Membership Plans

Investing in your long-term health is the smartest move you can make in life. No matter where you’re starting from or what your goals are, we have the ideal online coaching package to help you achieve fantastic results and develop the skills to maintain them permanently.



£25 / month


Access to MY FIT App


NEW Monthly Workouts


Video Demos


Fitness Log


Progress Log 


Email Support


Ultimate Body Plan


£49 / month


Access to MY FIT App


Weekly Check-Ins


Personalised Nutrition Guidance


Personalised Workout Plan


Video Demos


Progress Log


Fitness Log


MY FIT Coaching Handbook


In-App Messaging + Email

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